BNI is all about giving – giving to fellow members in terms of support and business referrals. We have a name for it – Givers Gain®. What a fantastic way to approach developing your business! That’s exactly what BNI gives you, a world of extraordinary opportunities where peers actively support your business growth and achievements rather than undermining them.
Running a business can be a lonely job but with BNI, you have a wealth of networking tools, events and specialists on hand to help you grow and support your business.
BNI members commit to core values, sharing their knowledge to create a strong and innovative network of professional business referrals.
With the backing of a resilient team, you can generate a steady stream of customers. And, as we only accept one business speciality per chapter, you are the ‘go to’ recipient of new referrals.
With 38 years of continual growth on a global scale (27 of that in Australia), BNI can transform the way you do business.
Select your desired chapter from our active and forming chapter list and register to come along for a visit. There’s no commitment to join and we’ll be happy to welcome you. All we ask is that you stay for the full event as we will run our Visitor Orientation session towards the end of each meeting to help answer all your questions and get your feedback.
If your profession or trade is already covered, we’ll be able to refer you to another nearby chapter or put you on our waiting list to begin your network journey.
Book a BNI Discovery session to find out how it works, then get involved.
BNI NSW South covers The Sutherland Shire, Illawarra, Shoalhaven & Southern Highlands. Our vision is to help as many local businesses in our communities grow so that in turn, individuals and parents have work, families can prosper and children don't go without or suffer from the impacts often associated with financial hardships. It is all about giving and helping one another.
The best way to find out more about how BNI works is to visit a local chapter meeting and see for yourself what it's like. Each chapter has a personality of its own and finding where you fit best helps you to get connected.
Discover all the reasons to join a BNI Chapter in Your Region.
Global Members
Member Referrals
(last 12 months)
Global Chapters
Member Closed Business
(last 12 months)
Member Referrals
(last 12 months)
Member Closed Business
(last 12 months)